Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Mak's Cable Went Down

OK, we can't blame this one on the Lindens - well maybe we can - we'll look for a way but it will be hard.

Last night Mak's cable access to the Internet went down - RATS!!!! he couldn't log in last night or this morning - he has no IM on any service - no email - it should be against the law.

Now in the states we call the cable company and yell bloody murder and they show up - in a day - in a week and fix it. Mak is in England - so i don't know how responsive things are - I hope very. Personally I am thinking of buying 10,000,000,000 million shares of vodafone (if that's who the company is) and then firing everybody - hehe.

Now I didn't ask him if his TV worked. (And how could I be asking him, you might ask - didn't you just say (I say) that the cable access was out?) Yes, I did - but he went to his office - DUH!!!!

So - what to do - for true SL aficionados loss of Internet Access is a criminal offense - the cable company must pay!!! and what about "intentional infliction of emotional harm" to me and Simon?????

Heads will roll!!!! ---- Where is Queen Victoria when we need her. This would not have been tolerated in the Empire!!!!


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